Hey guys - Just some quick updates and thoughts on Naxxramas 25.
So with the instances all reset this week Rage entered Naxxramas and cleared 3 of the 4 wings in 4 hours.
Death Knight wing all bosses cleared no wipes.
Plague Wing all bosses cleared no wipes.
Spider Wing all bosses cleared no wipes.
Last night we were 2 men down for the night due to no-shows and cancellations but our raid leader took us to Naxx none the less to see if we could get through it.
Patchwerk is a wall. A big fat wall of PAIN.
I mean don't get me wrong, we've gotten past him already last week, but 2 people missing and its just pain city.
This is NOT a dps for melee and no-matter what we tries it just ended every try with the melee going down hard and fast.
Its so unforgiving. Its a DPS race - but the healers cant heal anyone but the 3 tanks. melee have to keep themselves under 8/9k health or die a horrible insta-gib death.
Anyway so we moved on and took down Sartharion then the raid disbanded.
My first egg from the Oracles hatched today, and I got the White birdy non-combat pet out of it.
Bought another one - and just gotta play the waiting game till I can get the other 2 non-combat pets and eventually I imagine the Mount.
PS - If anyone is after the "Red Winter Hat" the best place to get it is normal Nexus - 2/3 level 80's can skip most of the mobs as long as you've got a ret-paladin/warrior/druid - well any melee class that can take a beating from 3/4 mobs at once. The mage boss in there seems to have a 100% drop rate of the hat. Much easier than years past.
PPS - Has anyone seen a blue "!" running around in Dalaran on the mini-map called "Frostie"?
I saw it twice last night...I cant find any mention of it anywhere on the web and nothing on the WoW forums either.
Please tell me I'm not seeing things!!!
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago