Hey Dudes! Its been quiet on the WoW front these past few days so just been working on getting rep for that elusive Achievement: 40 Factions to Exalted.
Currently I'm sitting on 31 Factions to Exalted:
Alliance: - Darnassus, Exodar, Gnomeregan Exiles, Ironforge, and Stormwind.
Alliance Forces: - Stormpike Guard (Alterac Valley)
Alliance Vanguard: - Valiance Expedition
Classic: - Argent Dawn, Cenarion Circle and Wintersaber Trainers.
Shattrath City: - Lower City, Sha'tari Skyguard, Shattered Sun Offensive, The Aldor, and The Sha'tar.
The Burning Crusade: - Ashtongue Deathsworn, Cenarion Expedition, Honor Hold, Keepers of Time, Kurenai, Netherwing, Orgri'la, Sporregar, The Consortium, The Scale of the Sands, and The Violet Eye.
Wrath of the Lich King: - Argent Crusade, Kirin Tor, Knights of the Ebon Blade, The Sons of Hodir and The Wyrmrest Accord.
So I got 9 Factions I need to get to exalted.
Factions at Revered:
The Kalu'ak - 20206/21000 - Will get this tomorrow.
The Oracles - 6232/21000 - 8 Days of the 3 dailys left.
Zandalar Tribe - 11429/21000 - I might go see if i can solo the mobs in there for coins/bijou's.
Timbermaw Hold - 1143/21000 - This is Slooooooooww..... Gave up a bit on this at revered.
Factions at Honored:
The League of Arathor - 2253/12000 - The Endless Grind....
Hydraxian Waterlords - 11296/12000 - LFM to MC - Must be over 70.
Steamwheedle Cartel - All 4 Factions Honored.
(Frenzyheart Tribe - Will switch to Frenzyheart once I get the protodrake from the Oracles)
Factions at Friendly:
Silverwing Sentinels - 3281/6000 - Anyone else hate WSG Rep Grind?
Explorers' League - 4689/6000 - How do you get rep with these?
The Frostborn - 553/6000 - And these?
Darkmoon Faire 2115/6000 - Mission Impossible!
Factions at Neutral:
The Silver Covenant - 0/3000 - Not implemented in game yet as I know.
Magram Clan Centaur - 2136/3000 - Zzzzz Kill a zillion centaurs..
Ravenholdt - 5/3000
Shen'dralar - 660/3000
Thorium Brotherhood - 2090/3000
So 4 at Revered, 3(4) at Honored and 4 at Friendly equals 11.
So I guess I have to choose the easiest.
This is the order I plan to do them in:
1 - The Kalu'ak
2 - The Oracles
3 - Zandalar Tribe (if i can down the trash in ZG)
4 - Timbermaw Hold - Groan - can you say slow grind?
5 - Frenzyheart Tribe - Once I get the Green Proto-Drake from the Oracles.
6 - Scryers - I'm exalted Aldor at the moment, and I imagine Scryer Rep Items are really cheap right now, but You have a hard slog to get to exalted due to only being able to do 1 quest for some basilisk eyes.
That's as far as I can predict right now - its a big old task now. Lets see what happens in the future and if any new factions appear sooner or later. I just don't wanna get to 39 factions to exalted with nothing on the horizon!!
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago