Hey peeps! Been a while since I did a big update on here about raiding, but with going to Star Trek and being ill (no not swine flu!) I've not had much spare time.
Anyway Rage have been progressing quite nicely, not as fast as some people in the guild would like, but slow and steady always wins the race as they say.
In 10 man Ulduar we've cleared 9 bosses: Flame Leviathan, Ignis, Razorscale, XT-002, Iron Council, The big dude with the arms, Auraiya, Hodir, and Fraiya.
In 25 man Ulduar we're not so far, but getting there all the above aside from Auraiya, Hodir and Fraiya.
So far its been fun! I've loved all the fights - even given some of the wipe nights we've had.
I've been lucky here and there and managed to get some nice upgrades so far, the latest being this baby!!!!
Rune Edge
Two Hand Sword
632-949 Dmg Speed 3.40
(232.5 damage per second)
+121 Agility
+120 Stamina
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 86.
Equip: Increases your attack power by 160.
Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 70.
Lovely upgrade for my Betrayer, and finally nice to have a sword again. I hate having axe's. It always seems like such a waste of my nice expertise Bonus.
The Plate chest dropped too "Steelbreaker's Embrace" but I let that go to the other ret-paladin that joined us recently as i would loose a LOT of hit rating swapping out that. I'm saving my dkp for the tier 8.5 Chest. That way I'm not loosing too much Hit Rating.
The Iron Council is an annoying fight to be sure - the tanks take a lot of damage. Us paladins had to work out a rotation for Hand of Sacrifice if ever a tank wound up getting the boss in the rune that increases damage by 50%. We had almost 2 nights of wipes there - very frustrating stuff.
In other news I'm now the Paladin Class Leader in Rage! Our last one has quit his paladin so concentrate on his Horde Hunter. Good luck to him! Cheers Rovell! So this is lots of veteran meetings and sorting out who's doing what and helping make guild decisions! Interesting to see the behind the scenes stuff in a Raid guild.
Other projects I'm working on at the moment, in case any of you have been nosing around on my Armory page are as follows:
I finished the Argent Tournament on Monday!! Crusader Firelight was my 27th Title!
I'm also working on "the Insane" title. Here's where I am with that:
Bloodsail Buccaneers -11999/12000 Honored - Completed
Ravenholdt - Currently Revered - Incomplete.
Shen'dralar - Currently Friendly - Incomplete.
Darkmoon Fair - Currently Friendly - Incomplete.
Steamwheedle Cartel - Currently 8000/36000 Hated with most - Very Incomplete!!
This is taking me a long time!! I've killed literally thousands of Syndicate mobs, Southsea Pirates and Wastewander Pirates, and I've got thousands more to kill!
I've been slowly buying all the Rogue/Swords/Mages decks from the Auction house and getting my darkmoon rep up that way but this is also very slow. Also been gathering items for libram hand ins for Shen'dralar rep. Its going to be expensive, and its going to take ages, but I want this title!! Wish me luck!
PS - I'll hit the exalted title in 2 rep factions time as well! (40 factions to exalted)
Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred
3 months ago